
Simplifying + Organizing Your Money

Kristen from Mom Managing Chaos shares tips, encouragement, and resources for busy Mamas looking to simplify managing their money. Join a community of over 20,000 who are ready to take control of their chaos.

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🎉 Saving money, but make it fun!

Hey, heeeeeeey! It's 2023, y'all. That's bananas. I've been at home trying to wrangle the zoo that shows up whenever my kids are home from school for longer than the weekend. 😅 Winter break saw me like..... All the eating and the crafting and the reading and the puzzling... I need a vaca from my holiday. 😂 But, let's jump into the good stuff. Supersizing your savings. While savings can be a challenge for some families, I would encourage you to get creative and make savings something fun--...

Hey, heeeeeeey! A guardrail, by definition, is a rail that prevents people from falling off or being hit by something. Well, just like we have those on steep curves in the road, we also need to build those into our budgets. So what does a guardrail in your budget look like? It is built from a few different parts. It's your emergency fund guarding your against surprise financial disasters. It's sinking funds, helping you pre-plan for irregular expenses. And lastly, it's the way you manage your...

Hey, heeeeeeey! While staying on budget is super important, staying motivated can be a challenge. #amiright So let's talk about a few ways you can keep your motivation up to stay the course and crush your financial goals. #1- Don't forget to include a little fun money. Just like a diet, if you don't give yourself a little room for something you enjoy, it's going to be that much harder to stick with it, If I was on a new diet that told me I'd never be able to have cheesecake again-- well, to...

Hey, heeeeeey! School is here and that means the season of craziness is upon us. (Jesus take the wheel!) So let's talk about one of my all time go-to-- clutch!-- secrets to making it through my day. It's super simple-- the alarm on my phone. I know this seems a little crazy, but stick with me. Before my head hits the pillow every night, I check out my calendar and what needs doing the next day. This helps me get my head right and not feel so frantic when the alarm goes off in the morning. I...

Hey, heeeeey! Ok, yeah. "Only" does indeed only have 4 letters, but in this sense, I mean a four-letter-word as in a no-no word. And here's why. Not to get too woo-woo on you, because that's not really my style. (If you are into woo-woo, do you boo! We cool!!) But a good portion of how you manage your money is mindset. Your thoughts and emotions surrounding it. Don't believe me? I'll prove it to you. You know how when something great happens, like you get a raise, you then "treat-yo-self"...